Day: October 16, 2020

Afbeelding met tekst Automatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

Check if the Replication is working between PSCs

For a customer I was replacing the SSO/STS certificates, after the change wanted to make sure if the PSCs were still replicating the information between each other. To simply check this Type the command: ./vdcrepadmin -f showpartnerstatus -h localhost -u administrator You can see who the partner is of the PSC, and how much changes …read more →

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vRLI Webgui doesn’t start up: Config Folder Lost & “Keystore was tampered with or Password was incorrect”

Intro One of my customers had problems with their vRLI environment, the most obvious one was that the webgui wasn’t available or even started. The following post is a more general approach of how I troubleshoot vRLI. In this case I had to apply 2 workarounds / solutions to make it work again. In this …read more →

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Afbeelding met tekst Automatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

Check & Renew the expiration of the Machine Certificate of the PSCs & vCenter (vCenter 6.5/6.7)

Intro At a customer we got the notification in the vCenter that the certificate was almost expiring. This was about the SSO/STS certificate. Later we found out that also the machine certificates were expiring on each PSC and vCenter that were deployed 2 years earlier. This post will focus on the renewal of the Machine …read more →

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